
Saturday, May 22, 2010


Aku dapat info ni pun fm somebody yg forward kt aku last week..terkedu & terkesima gak sbb rasa2nya selalu gak aku buat benda ni selama ni..tapi dah tak tau kan..sekarang dah tau jgn buat lak..
Horned God Represents the horned god of witchcraft. Pan or Cernunnos. Note the thumb under the fingers and given by the right hand.
Horned Hand The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Witch Sign or Moon Sign Used to salute the rising moon. Also used by surfers and football teams. This is the sign that the furor should be using to indicate the "Hook Um" horns, Not the 2 above.

        Anton LaVey, leader and founder of theChurch of Satan.
Above: Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and author ofThe Satanic Bible, displaying the "Horned Hand" (also called the "satanic salute" and Il Cornuto) with his left hand, on the back cover of The Satanic Bible

A Satanic Ritual

Above: (Satanists making the "Satanic salute" to an altar displaying the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, to acknowledge their allegiance to Satan, during a Satanic ritual.)

Above, from the Satanic Bible: The ‘Satanic Salute’, Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto is a signal of allegiance between members of Satanism to their ‘horned god’, a sign of recognition and allegiance.

Tu dorang...yang kita pun menggatal ikut benda ni wat pe...mungkin kita tak tau..atau hanya ikut org dan last2 dh jadi trend..

Jadi sekarang ni kita dah tau, tolong sebar2kan kepada yg lain..lain kali kaji dulu sblm mengikut sesuatu yg tak tau asal usulnya...

2 orang baru nak pergi PLKN.. isk isk..:

Anonymous said... [Reply]

ingat cool, rock la klu wat cmtu......biasa la..manusia slalu trikut2...

suhaisweet said... [Reply]

@Mr.Homosapiensz setujuu..

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